Who can use Wands in DnD 5e


Wands are a neat little tool that spellcasters can use in DnD 5e.

We learn about wants from the Dungeon Master’s Guide, more specifically; page 141 of the DMG. It defines magic wands as follows.

“A magic wand is about 15 inches long and crafted of metal, bone, or wood. It is tipped with metal, crystal, stone, or some other material.”

And that’s the basic explanation of what a magic wand is – but what does it do?

That is what we will be taking a look at in this article. More specifically, what a magic wand is, how they work, what do they do exactly, and any other relevant information.

Now, let’s get right into it, shall we?

What are Magic Wands in DnD 5e?

Now for a more detailed description of what they are.
We mentioned above that they are relatively short pieces of equipment that have magical properties. But let’s explain what that means exactly.

According to the lore, magic wands are items that powerful spellcasters have created. Be it to contain their essence after their death – or to do one specific thing.
They can be rather plain and dull, or eloquent in how they are designed.
After all, some magic wands are capable of amazing things; it’s only fitting that they look just as amazing. Being decorated with priceless jewels and intricate engravings.

They are quite small in comparison to Rods or Staffs but work in a similar way. Let’s take a look at how they work exactly.

How Magic Wands work

Magic wands work on a charge system in DnD 5e. Now, this doesn’t mean that they charge your enemy as soon as they see it and pierce their hearth – although that would be a pretty cool power. If the DM allows it that is.

No, what I mean is the following. All magic wands have a certain amount of charges in them, as soon as this finite pool is used up the wands stop functioning – or are destroyed altogether.
You can check how many charges are left in the wand by attuning yourself to it – or alternatively by checking with a spell. We wrote about attunement in a previous article, so go check it out if you want to know how the process works.

And finally. Most magic wands are activated by words of power or uttering certain sentences. So if you don’t want a fireball to burst out randomly while you are having a friendly chat in a tavern, remember the words and don’t spurt them out randomly.

Now, to answer the main question.

Who can use Wands in DnD 5e?

I’ll be honest. The best answer to this question will always be reading the relevant rulebook that contains the specific magic wands you want to use. But, for a more general answer.

As we said previously, magic wands require an attunement. Not just anyone can do that. Specific wands have specific requirements, and most of the time this requirement is to be a spellcaster at least.

But, say you’re not a spellcaster. Say you’re a Rogue Thief. Well, at level 13 you get “Use Magic Device” which will allow you to attune to a wand in most cases. What use you have of this is up to you to decide though.

Continuing on the previous point. Wands aren’t necessarily tied to the spells that your class has. With wands, you have the ability to cast spells that you don’t have access to, pretty neat right?

And one final thing to mention.
Certain creatures can use wands as well. And you’d be surprised what a creature that’s usually a pushover can do with a teeny tiny wand in its hands. Listen to your DM’s description of your enemies carefully.

Conclusion on Wands in DnD 5e

That basically covers all the necessary things you’d want to know about magic wands in DnD 5e. Although I want to leave it all off with one final comment.

Magic wands don’t have to be only for the stereotypical wizard. As a DM you should try and entice all your players to try magic wands if possible. If you have to create new rules to make it work – then just do it.

Let the Druid use the cool stick he found as a wand, let’s the bard use a flute as a wand. What I want to say is, don’t be afraid to get creative. And remember to have fun.

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