How Many Spells can a Cleric Prepare in DnD 5e


This article on the Cleric in DnD 5e is a follow-up to our series on the spellcasters.
More specifically. Up until now, we’ve done a few articles looking at how many spells certain classes can prepare. We’ve already one covering the Druid, we’ve also done one that covers the Paladin. So if you’re curious about that, go check those out.

Today instead, we will be talking about the group’s best friend – the Cleric.

The cleric is one of the most helpful classes in DnD 5e as it is the class that is best suited for healing. And who doesn’t enjoy the company of a good healer ?

Having the ability to cure any ailment, or remove any pernicious effect that might have befallen you. But, before he can do that, he must have certain spells prepared.
That is what this article will be exploring, the Cleric; and his spellcasting abilities.

Let’s get started with the most important question.

How Many Spells can the Cleric Prepare in DnD 5e?

As I’m sure you’re aware, but in case you are not. The cleric works on a similar spellcasting system to the Paladin and Druid. He has his cantrips that he always has, and a certain amount of spell slots that he can use for other spells. This amount is determined by a few factors, so let’s discuss them.

But first, let’s put down a table; for reference.

And now to further elaborate on what the table exactly means.

The Mechanics of the Cleric

Regarding spellcasting, as we said before. The cleric isn’t any different than the other classes like Druid or Paladin. Although there are some differences that give the cleric a unique playstyle compared to the rest.

For starters, the Domain system. Now, we also talked about how the Druid also has a Domain system right? Well, unlike the Druid – which mostly covers the different biomes of the world. The cleric covers entirely different domains.

His domains are Arcana, Death, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Order, Peace, Tempest, Trickery, Twilight, and War.
Those are the basics at least. There are more, but these are from different sources and with carrying degrees of “fleshed out.”

Now, to the basics.

The Cleric’s base for casting his spells is his Wisdom ability score. You want to have as high of a Wisdom ability score as you can with your Cleric. The reason for this is obvious, more Wisdom means more proficiency bonuses. More proficiency bonuses mean that you are stronger, it’s that simple.

It’s also important to remember that certain Domain spells and your regular spells can be cast as rituals if you so desire.
And regarding the spellcasting focus question, well. Clerics use holy symbols as their focus for their spellcasting… basically Warhammer logic – the more purity seals, the stronger you get.

Finishing Comments on the Cleric in DnD 5e

Those are the basics about the Cleric and how his spellcasting system works. It really isn’t that hard to grasp and learn, and it shouldn’t be. The Cleric is the main healer of the group if the person who is meant to remain calm and fix a difficult situation gets confused or doesn’t know what he is doing then everything goes downhill.

There are a few comments I’d like to add though that aren’t necessarily tied to his spellcasting system. A sort of FAQs if you will.

The Cleric is versatile, very versatile. You can play him however you want, although most players would appreciate it if you stay in the back and support from the back. Although that isn’t necessary.

The War Domain Cleric for example loves to get into the thick of it. A pocket Paladin if you will. Especially at level 17 with his Avatar of Battle, making him quite a fearsome appearance on the battlefield.

On the complete opposite side, you have the Death Domaine Cleric. A little brother to the Necromancer. Abandoning the usual stereotypes we have of good-natured clerics and instead adopting his darker side.

The point I am trying to make with all of these comments is this. Explore the different playstyles of the cleric. The subclass mechanic for all of the classes exists just for that reason. Don’t let yourself be trapped in the usual tropes.

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