How Many Spells can a Druid Prepare in DnD 5e?


The system by which a Druid prepares his Spells in DnD 5e is similar to the other classes. Still, there are a few nuances that are present. After all, it’s the nuances that shape the unique experiences we get with each character.

Welcome back everyone. Today we will be discussing the Druid, specifically; how many spells you can expect to be able to prepare while playing as a Druid.

In another article, we looked at How Many Spells a Paladin can Prepare. So today, we will be continuing in lieu of that search, by talking about the good old Druid.
Druids work a bit differently than the other spellcasting classes in the sense that they have their “Druid Circles” mechanic. And choosing a specific one will get you more benefits than another.

So, without further ado. Let’s look at our friendly forest friend – the Druid.

How Many Spells can a Druid Prepare in DnD 5e?

To answer plainly and direct. The math is as follows.

Let’s use a lower-level Druid as an example. Say your druid is at Level 3. At this level, it’s expected that you should have the ability to prepare spells equal to your level + wisdom modifier. This is why you wanna have high wisdom as a Druid, more spells, more proficiency – more benefits.
So, to continue with the example. If say your wisdom is at 16 by level 3, you should have a +3 proficiency; giving you 3 extra spells that you can prepare. Add on top the +3 bonus from your level, which means you end up with 6 available spells to prepare – 4 level 1 slots and 2; level 2 slots.

Let’s have a recap on how the system works shall we.

Each spellcasting class has a certain Ability Score on which they base their spellcasting on – i.e which gives them benefits. In this specific instance, our druid uses Wisdom as a basis.
The higher this ability score modifier is – the more proficiency, which means more spells you can prepare, among the other benefits.

Now, there’s one distinction that we briefly mentioned earlier. The Druid Circles mechanic.
What this mechanic does is it allows you to become a part of a certain druidic circle – thus gaining the benefits of that specific circle.
So, let’s talk a bit more about that.

Druidic Circles

If I had to explain Druidic Circles in simple terms, it would probably be like this.

Druidic Circles are specific parts of nature that you can attune yourself to. In essence, pledging your life to that aspect, and its protection – or its enemies’ destruction.

I’ll leave the discussion about circles for a later date. Today, we are only interested in one specific circle. That one being the Circle of the Land.

The Circle of the Land subclass for your Druid has one cool feature. Starting at level 3 they start getting different spells tied to the specific biome they chose to be a part of. And other spells at each odd level up after that. These spells are unique in the sense that they don’t have to be prepared like other spells. Plus unlike other spells that another class might be able to cast, these spells are entirely unique to the Druid – talk about being a special little fellow.

Summary and Finishing Commentary

That basically covers all the relevant information about how many Spells a Druid can prepare in DnD 5e.
The system is basically the same across all the spellcasting classes… well, except that nerd the Wizard.

Regardless, always keep In mind these following things.
The number of spells you can prepare is directly tied to your class’s ability score modifier. Obviously, having a bigger modifier means more benefits – and more spells that can be prepared.
And always remember to choose which spells you prepare carefully. Sometimes you might want to upcast a certain spell, for that you’ll need a higher-level slot. Other times, quantity beats quality; so prepare multiple spells of the same type.

But, with all of that being said; there is one final thing that should be mentioned.

The RAW clearly states that only a DM can initiate a long rest. And as we already know, you get back all your spell slots at the end of a long rest. So, when out and about the world be careful not to use up all your tricks too soon – lest the DM punishes you for it.

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